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The Duke

Movie stats
 96 minutes (1 hr 36 mins)
Director and Primary Cast
Salty Popcorn Stats
First viewed:
30th Aug 2021
Last viewed:
3rd Jul 2024
Total views:
Release Dates
UK release date
 UK release
25th February 2022
2 years 4 months 6 days ago
US release date
 US release
25th March 2022
2 years 3 months 9 days ago
Canada release date
17th September 2021
2 years 9 months 16 days ago
France release date
22nd September 2021
2 years 9 months 11 days ago
Australia release date
26th December 2021
2 years 6 months 8 days ago
Total Grosses
United Kingdom Flag
UK total gross
  £5.3 Million
United States Flag
US total gross
  $1.5 Million
Cinema Tickets Sold
United Kingdom Flag
UK tickets sold
702,595 aprox.
United States Flag
US tickets sold
166,638 aprox.
Box Office Breakdown
UK Box Office
  • Released: 25th Feb '22
  • Debut position: 3
  • Highest position: 3
  • Debut gross: £992.7 Thousand
  • Total chart weeks: 13
US Box Office
  • Release: 25th Mar '22
  • Debut weekend: 22nd Apr '22
  • Debut position: 19
  • Highest position: 12
  • Debut gross: $25.8 Thousand
  • Total chart weeks: 13
Global Release
  • Release: 17th Sep '21
    • Canada
  • No other global box office data
Global Box Office Release Breakdown
  •  Canada release date:
  •  France release date:
  •  Australia release date:
  •  UK release date:
  •  Ireland release date:
  •  Japan release date:
  •  Italy release date:
  •  Netherlands release date:
  •  USA release date:
  •  Poland release date: