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Sink the Bismarck!

Movie stats
 97 minutes (1 hr 37 mins)





Director and Primary Cast
Salty Popcorn Stats
First viewed:
18th Aug 2022
Last viewed:
5th Jul 2024
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Release Dates
UK release date
 UK release
4th April 1960
64 years 3 months 1 days ago
US release date
 US release
11th February 1960
64 years 4 months 23 days ago
Norway release date
26th February 1960
64 years 4 months 8 days ago
Sweden release date
7th March 1960
64 years 3 months 29 days ago
Finland release date
1st April 1960
64 years 3 months 4 days ago
Box Office Breakdown
UK Release
US Release
Global Release
  • Release: 11th Feb '60
    • USA
  • No other global box office data

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Directed by
Captain Jonathan Shepard
Second Officer Anne Davis
Kapitan Ernst Lindemann
First Sea Lord - Sir Dudley Pound - Admiral of the Fleet
Assistant Chief of Naval Staff
Admiral Gunther Lutjens
Admiral Jack Tovey - Commander in Chief - HMS King George V
Commander Richards
Captain Banister
Captain John Leech - HMS Prince of Wales
Signals Officer
Commodore Wilfrid Patterson - HMS King George V
Captain Loben Mound - HMS Ark Royal
Captain Robert Ellis - HMS Suffolk
Captain Charles Larcom - HMS Sheffield
Captain - HMS Solent - First Destroyer
Henry - First Workman
Captain Ralph Kerr - HMS Hood
Admiral Lancelot Holland - HMS Hood
Able Seaman Brown
Edward R. Murrow
Fighter Pilot
Bridge Officer [HMS Solent]
Naval Officer
Able Seaman - Lookout on 'Suffolk'
Officer P.R.O.
Petty Officer in Phone Montage
Officer on the 'Bismarck'
Lothar Balzar - Leutnant zur See
Signal Officer on the 'Ark Royal'
Young Seaman on 'Prince of Wales'
A naval officer
Gunnery Officer on 'King George V'
Naval Rating in Phone Montage
Dark Room Technician
Bridge Officer [HMS King George V]
Seaman on 'Prince of Wales'
First Lieutenant on Destroyers
Bridge Officer (HMS King George V)
Seaman on 'Ark Royal'
Lookout - Second Destroyer
Pilot - RAF Operations Room
War Room Officer
Jenkins - 'King George V'
Pilot - RAF Operations Room
Pilot - RAF Opeations Room
Signalman - 'Prince of Wales'
Master of the Fleet - 'King George V'
Airman in Phone Montage
Signals Officer Mueller on the 'Bismarck'
Miss Jackson - WRENS
Civilian Worker on 'Prince of Wales'
Lt. Becker on the 'Bismarck'
Seaman on 'Ark Royal'
Meteorological Officer on 'King George V'
War Room Officer
Officer on Bridge of 'Prince of Wales'
Self - at Launch of 'Bismarck'
Quartermaster - 'Bismarck'
Airman - 'Ark Royal'
Seaman on 'Prince of Wales'
Pilot - RAF Operations Room
Agent in Norway
Navigating Officer on 'Prince of Wales'
Civilian Worker on 'Prince of Wales'
Commander - War Room
Firing Officer
War Room Officer
Rear Admiral Somers - Officer on 'King George V'
Undetermined Secondary Role
War Room Officer
Mail Clerk on 'Ark Royal'
Midshipman - 'Prince of Wales'
Able Seaman, Final Scene
Naval Rating
Captain - Second Destroyer
Air Vice Marshal
Operations Officer on 'Ark Royal'
Naval Officer
Officer of the Watch on 'Sheffield'
Damage Control Officer on the 'Bismarck'
RAF Officer
Bridge Officer
Captain Lindemann
Able Seaman - Lookout on 'Suffolk'
War Room Officer
Undetermined Secondary Role
Damage Control Officer
Winston Churchill
Civilian Worker - 'Prince of Wales'
Yeoman on King George V
Petty Officer Williams
German Officer
Tom Shepard - Gunner - 'Ark Royal' Air Gunner
War Room Officer
Air Commodore in Phone Montage
Undetermined Secondary Role
Korvettenkapitan Adalbert Schneider
Officer - HMS Sheffield
Pilot - RAF Operations Room
German Rating - 'Bismarck'
Officer - 'King George V'
Able Seaman - Final Scene
Torpedo Control Officer on First Destroyer

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UK Box Office Info
Total UK Gross: £0
UK Box Office Chart History
No UK box office info
US Box Office Chart History
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Global Box Office Release Breakdown
  •  USA release date:
  •  Norway release date:
  •  Sweden release date:
  •  Finland release date:
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News from around the web
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Here Are 24 Great Naval War Movies for a Nautical Movie Night  MovieWeb Sat, 2nd March 2024

Sink the Bismarck! (1960) - Plot  imdb Thu, 9th February 2023

Sink the Bismarck! – film review  Louder Than War Tue, 5th March 2019

Cult Movie: Sink The Bismarck! is British war movie making at its finest  The Irish News Fri, 7th February 2020